by M Pilkington
archived 02-01-00
Archive file re020100a
donated by earthman

has mastered a technology call RHIC-EDOM
This appeared in issue 58. It is difficult to deny that something is
happening to some of the many people claiming to have been abducted by
the Greys; this has lead the more adventurous researchers to seek other
possibilities as to what might be behind the phenomenon. Perhaps the
most startling, frightening, and in many ways convincing of these is the
mind control hypothesis. This is by no means new, Jacques Vallee and
others have been hinting in this direction since the late 1960's; but in
the last few years it has become increasingly evident that the
suspicions of researchers such as Vallee, Walter Bowart and Martin
Cannon may be disturbingly close to the truth.
By Mark Pilkington
Tense nervous headache? Always run down and irritable? Not feeling
yourself? Well maybe that's because you're not yourself, rather, you are
being controlled from somewhere else by someone else.
Last year "Tomorrow's World" (a British Broadcasting
Corporation science programme) featured a man whose Parkinson's Disease
symptoms could be controlled by pressing a switch on a handset which in
turn operated a tiny device implanted into his brain. No more shaking,
no more tears. This is the friendly, caring side of the neural implant,
but many people believe that dark forces are at work, trying to take
over the minds of their targeted subjects via tiny objects inserted into
various parts of the body. These sinister controllers take many forms;
some say that it's the CIA or other shadowy intelligence outfits; others
that it's the secret world government, plotting for world domination;
others still that it's malicious aliens, the Greys, who use implants as
tracking devices so that they can abduct their hapless victims anytime,
anyplace and operate on them aboard their spacecraft. Sometimes the
Greys are working for the government, sometimes the government is
working for the Greys, and sometimes the government is working as the
Greys, using remote hypnotic devices to trigger off the abduction
fantasy as a disguise for what's really going on.
Ex-soldier Timothy Mcveigh, prime suspect in last year's Oklahoma City
bombing, has recently announced that he has himself been sporting such
an implant after being witness to many UFO encounters on his farm. One
might expect this to be an elaborate attempt to plea insanity, but
knowing the current climate in much of America, I wouldn't be so sure.
But it's not just "over there".
In a letter sent to John Major in 1992, Lennart Lindqvist, international
secretary for a group dedicated to uncovering illicit mind control
operations, wrote;
"...we have become aware of several victims in Great Britain;
reports received from exploited individuals refer to mental hospitals,
police authorities and prisons as among the state institutions involved
in the implantation of ... electrodes of radio-transmitting crystals in
He goes on to quote a letter from a Mr N'Tumba, a British victim;
" Concerning the brain transmitter in my head, it has benn
performing without my knowledge or consent...What's very outrageous is
that I am sharing all my visions, thoughts, images, hearing etc. with
people around me as the security services are engaging in a large scale
propaganda drive to smear my character, background, behaviour, emotions
and motives...I have no privacy at all...." (1).
Lindqvist states that X rays of Mr. N'Tumba's brain , analysed by a Dr.
Lindstrom, noted for his pioneering use of ultrasonics in neurosurgery,
clearly show an object implanted into his left nostril as well as others
blocking the oxygen flow to his brain.
You might be excused for dismissing Mr N'Tumba as a paranoid
schizophrenic were it not for the fact that ordinary, respected people,
all across America in all walks of life, are reporting similar things.
These are the Abductees, and according to some researchers there are up
to two million of them. One of these researchers, Dr. David Jacobs, is
an associate professor of history at Temple University in Philedelphia;
he writes; " Towards the end of the examination, the aliens either
implant a small, round seemingly metallic object in the abductee's ear,
nose, or sinus cavity, or remove such an object. The object is...small,
it usually is smooth, or has small spikes sticking out of it, or has
holes in it." (2) Jacobs notes that implants are left near the
brain; subjects often wake up with ear or nose bleeds after an abduction
and sometimes small objects will drop out when a person blows their
Another researcher is Pulitzer prize winner and professor of psychiatry
at Harvard Medical School, John Mack M.D. He says; " I have myself
studied a 1/2 to 3/4 inch thin, wiry object that was given to me by one
of my clients... Elemental analyses and electronic microscopic
photography revealed an interestingly twisted fibre consisting of
carbon, silicon, oxygen, no nitrogen and traces of other elements. A
nuclear biologist colleague said the specimen was not a naturally
occurring biological object, but could be a manufactured fibre of some
sort." (3)
A suspected implant that had embarrassed its subject since his teenage
years, was removed from a man's penis in 1994 and examined by
Massachusets Institute of Technology physicist David Pritchard. His
conclusion was that the object appeared to be a collection of calcified
cotton fibres, presumably gained from wearing starchy, tight underpants,
that had somehow become embedded in the head of the penis. Mack,
however, is not concerned: "...it would not be difficult for the
aliens, in light of all the other seemingly miraculous things of which
they appear capable, to adapt a small object to the human body by
forming it along the lines of the body's own chemistry. If that were the
case, the analysis would yield nothing unusual."(4) Dr. Mack's
alien allegations made him the subject of a serious inquiry by the
school's committee, but after 30 meetings it was decided not to sack
him, but only to warn him not to let his enthusiasm for a subject
overshadow academic principles and standards.
More recently, a November 1995 newspaper article mentions a California
surgeon who operated, on video, on two abductees, and removed implants
from both of them. One came from the big toe of a woman, the other from
the back of a man's hand; both objects were noticed during X rays for
other minor injuries. The objects were seed sized, encased in a thick
dark membrane and couldn't be cut with a scalpel; one was T shaped. Once
cut open they were found to contain tiny black pieces of a highly
magnetic metal. There was no scarring or inflammation of the skin around
the objects in either patient.(5)
Another mystery object was removed from an abductee in Ontario Canada in
January of 1995; it came from "in back of her left ear"(6),
was 1mm long and dark in colour. Analysed under an electron microscope
it was found to contain primarily aluminium, titanium and silicon; which
a technician with Pansonic Canada, stated "would be a transducer
and can be used to transmit signals"(7).
The dark history of US, UK and USSR experiments into mind control and
brain washing since the early '60's is well known and there are many
books available on the subject.(8) In America projects such as
Artichoke, Bluebird, Pandora, Mkdelta, Mksearch and Mkultra explored the
erasure of memory, hypnotic resistance to torture, truth serums,
post-hypnotic suggestion, rapid induction of hypnosis, electronic
stimulation of the brain, non-ionizing radiation, microwave induction of
intracerebral "voices," and a host of even more disturbing
technologies. Mkultra is perhaps the best known of these; giving LSD to
unwitting subjects including soldiers, students and mental patients, the
CIA hoped to utilise its properties as a truth serum and in mind control
. Acid guru Timothy Leary is quoted as saying; " The entire LSD
movement itself was sponsored originally by the CIA, to whom I give
great credit. I would not be here today if it had not been for...the CIA
psychologists".(9) All such research was supposed to have stopped
in the early '70's, but various sources close to the CIA, including
Victor Marchetti who spent 14 years in its service, have stated that the
work was just pushed even further underground and frequently surfaces in
contemporary torture techniques abroad.
Experimentation with Electronic Stimulation of the Brain (ESB) via
implants was a central part of this series of programs. Yale
psychologist Jose Delgado developed a device in the early 1960's known
as a "stimoceiver". He demonstrated this dramatically by
implanting it into a bull's brain and goading it electronically whilst
standing in the ring. The bull charged him but stopped suddenly moments
from impact; Delgado had caused it do so via a remote control! Bryan
Robinson, of the Yerkes primate laboratory, has conducted remote ESB
research on simians, causing mothers to ignore their offspring, despite
the babies' cries and turning submission into dominance, and vice-versa.
Dr Robert Heath, a neurosurgeon at Tulane University, claimed a world
record after implanting 125 electrodes into a subject's body and brain,
and subsequently spent hours stimulating the man's pleasure centres.
Both scientists concluded that ESB could control memory, impulses,
feelings, invoke hallucinations, fear and pleasure. Heath, and many of
his colleagues, considered ESB a potential "cure" for
homosexuality and other "socially troublesome persons"; this
could, of course, be you.. Joseph A. Meyer, of the National Security
Agency, America's most secretive defence group, has proposed implanting
electronic tags into all those arrested, of any crime, in order to
monitor their behaviour at all times. He uses New York's Harlem district
as his model in his proposal.
The implant, then, is no fantasy, but how far have its potential
implications been implemented? It has often been reported that the CIA
has mastered a technology call RHIC-EDOM. RHIC means "Radio
Hypnotic Intracerebral Control." EDOM stands for "Electronic
Dissolution of Memory." Allegedly these techniques can remotely
induce hypnotic trance, deliver suggestions to the subject, induce
feelings and emotions and erase all memory for both the instruction
period and the act which the subject is asked to perform. They might
operate using advanced implant technologies but are such implants even
necessary? Many shops use messages transmitted at high frequencies above
the hearing threshold to combat shoplifting, some report a success rate
of up to 80%. A Dr. Sharp, a Project Pandora researcher for the US army,
ran experiments whereby the human brain picked up words that were
transmitted via microwaves, thus bypassing the ear. Dr James Lin of
Wayne State University discusses the possibilities of using such
techniques to aid the deaf, but comments; "the capability of
communicating directly with humans by pulsed microwaves is obviously not
limited to the field of therapeutic medicine."(10)
In the early 1970's science fiction writer Philip K. Dick and
spoon-bender Uri Geller (along with his then mentor Andrija Puharich)
both reported contact with what appeared to be a non-human machine
intelligence orbiting the earth. Dick called it VALIS, Geller called his
SPECTRA. Were they both singled out for microwave communication
experiments, or both just equally insane? Further computerised contact
was described by Dorothy Burdick in her 1982 book Such Things are Known;
she relates;
"Laser-projected Voices tell me, "You are doing what you want
to do," but I am never free of their broadcast stimuli which I can
feel, and microwave or ultrasonic frequencies of which I may be totally
unaware. I cannot be sure that I am not really in pain due to natural
causes. I only feel unaccountable changes in mood such as depression,
euphoria or relief.(11)
The alien abductees report a number of things that could be induced via
such devices; buzzing and voices, missing time, inexplicable emotions in
inappropriate circumstances (e.g. love for an alien that is raping
them), loss of self control, telepathic communication and memories of
films projected onto screens. Many report the disturbance of electrical
objects in their presence, perhaps a side effect of such implant
technologies. Could the whole abduction scenario be a carefully
manipulated hypnotic cover for experimentation by government or military
intelligence services? Certainly many abductees have reported seeing
human military personnel during their experiences (one was actually
identified as a human doctor), and others have seen helicopters suddenly
become UFOs and vice-versa. Dr. Micheal Persinger, well known for his
views that the abduction experience is triggered by exposure of the
brain's temporal lobes to electromagnetic fields, was once employed by
the Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency to remotely induce
vomiting in enemy soldiers, which he did successfully. John Mack has
also been linked to Mkultra related projects; there is, undeniably, a
close relationship between the military and intelligence agencies and
UFO phenomenon, but it seems as far fetched as the idea of the Greys
themselves to blame them for everything. Then again, if the aliens are
all powerful, as they certainly seem to be, why would they need to use
implants at all?
So, confronted with the potential reality of such devices we can only
wonder how far their use has actually been taken, and, ultimately, who
is in control of them. Or, to put it another way, who might be in
control of us?
Just prior to uploading this page I found the following posted on Dan
Geib's excellent UFO Folklore site. The source is researcher Richard
"Among documents recently obtained from the White House under the
Freedom of Information Act is an interesting piece of correspondence
between former Naval Intelligence Commander and Human Potential
Foundation director Scott Jones, Ph.D. and White House Presidential
Science Advisor John Gibbons, Ph.D. In a February 17, 1994 letter,
following up on a February 4 White House meeting between Lawrence
Rockefeller, Dr. Jones, and Dr. Gibbons, Scott Jones wrote:
"Whatever Roswell [UFO crash revelation] turns out to be, it is
only the opening round. I urge you to take another look at the UFO
Matrix of Belief that I provided you last year. My mention of
mind-control technology at the February 4 meeting was quite deliberate.
Please be careful about this. There are reasons to believe that some
governmental group has interwoven research about this [mind-control]
technology with alleged UFO phenomena. If that is correct, you can
expect to run into early resistance when inquiring about UFOs, not
because of the UFO subject, but because that has been used to cloak
research and applications of mind-control activity."
If this proves to be a real document, then perhaps the ideas outlined in
this piece may not be so outlandish after all. By now it is probably to
late to counter the firmly entrenched beliefs of the ET community, and
perhaps this is what "The Controllers" always wanted. I
suspect this one will run and run...
Notes and further reading:
1 Quoted in "An Open Letter to the Swedish Prime Minister from a
Survivor of Electromagnetic Terror" by Robert Naesland. From Secret
and Suppressed; ed. Jim Keith. 1993. It now appears that Mr N'Tumba
might actually have been the enigmatic Henry Azadehdel, a.k.a Armen
Victorian, orchid smuggler, greengrocer and general UFO nuisance. (See
Fortean Times #90) |