Children 'born for sacrifice to Satan'


archived 021101
Archive file# re021101h.html


CHILDREN are being secretly reared in Britain for sacrifice by Satanists, says a Government-backed expert.

Psychotherapist Valerie Sinason, who has been paid by the Department of Health to study adult survivors of alleged organised ritual abuse, said yesterday she was "completely convinced" Satanic abuse does occur.

She claimed to have evidence about children whose births were not officially registered being reared for abuse and sacrifice.

The scientist, who edited a clinical textbook on Satanist abuse after the controversies in Rochdale, the Orkneys and Nottingham in the early 1990s, has claimed previously to have evidence of at least 100 murders.

Her study of cases from nearly 40 psychiatrists, psychologists and mental health experts will claim that she has seen evidence of physical injuries in adult survivors, who tell of seeing people drugged and killed. She said that out of 76 patients she has seen at her London clinic, 46 claimed that they had witnessed the murder of children or adults.

The Department of Health yesterday stressed that it stood by the findings of a 1994 report which concluded there was organised abuse but that it was "not helpful or appropriate to call it Satanic".Scotland Yard is carrying out its own research project into ritual abuse.

© Express Newspapers, 2000