Delgado Index

Jose Delgado's "Physical Control of the Mind"


Placing electrodes inside of the brain, exploring the neuronal depth of personality, and influencing behavior by electrical stimulation have created a variety of problems, some of them shared with general medical ethics and others more specifically related to moral and philosophical issues of mental activity.

Clinical Use of New Procedures

  1. AHFELD, J. F. Beiträge zur Lelire vom Uebergange der intrauterinen Athmung zur extrauterinen. Pp. 1-32 in: "Beiträge zur Physiologic, Festschrift zu Carl Ludwig, zu seinem 70. Geburtstage gewidmet von seinen Schülern." Leipzig: Vogel, 1980.
  2. ALBERTS, W. W., E. W. WRIGHT, JR., G. LEVIN and B. FEINSTEIN. Types of responses elicited by electrical stimulation of certain nuclei of the thalamus and basal ganglia in the human. EEG clin. Neurophysiol., 12:546, 1960.
  3. ALTMAN, J. Autoradiographic and histological studies of post-natal neurogenesis. 11. J. comp. Neurol., 128:431-473, 1967.
  4. ANDERSON, B., P. A. JEWELL and S. LARSSON. An appraisal of the effects of diencephalic stimulation of conscious animals in terms of normal behaviour. PP. 76-89 in: "Neurological Basis of Behaviour," G. E. W. Wolstenholme and C. M. O'Conner, (eds.) Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 400 pp., 1958,
  5. ANGULO Y GONZÁLEZ, A. W. Is myelinogeny an absolute index of behavioral capability? J. comp. Neurol., 48:459-464, 1929.
  6. ASHBY, W. R. "Design for a Brain." Rnd Ed. New York: Wiley, 286 pp., 1960.
  7. AUSTT, GARCIA E,, R. ARANA, E. MIGLIARO, M. T. SANDE and J. P. SEGUNDO. Changes in the EEG and in the tendon jerks induced by stimulation of the fornix in man. EEG clin. Neurophysiol., 6:653-661, 1954.
  8. BALDWIN, M. Electrical stimulation of the mesial temporal region. Pp. 159-176 in: "Electrical Studies on the Unanesthetized Brain," E.R. Ramey and D. S. O'Doherty, (eds.) New York, Paul B. Hoeber, 423 pp., 1960.
  9. BANDURA, A. A social learning interpretation of psychological dysfunctions. Pp. 293-344 in: "Foundations of Abnormal Psychology," P. London and D. Rosenhan, (eds.) New York: Rinehart and Winston, 644 pp., 1968.
  10. BARRETT, W. "lrrational Man. A Study in Existential Philosophy." New York: Doubleday, 278 pp., 1958.
  11. BEACH, F. A. The perpetuation and evolution of biological science. Amer. Psychologist, 21:943-949, 1966.
  12. BEECHER, H. K. Ethics and clinical research. New Eng. J. Med., 274:1354-1360, 1966.
  13. BENNETT, E. L., M. C. DIAMOND, D, KRECH, and M. R. ROSENZWEIG. Chemical and anatomical plasticity of brain. Science, 146:610-619, 1964.
  14. BERITOFF, J. S. "Neural Mechanisms of Higher Vertebrate Behavior." Trans. from Russian and Edited by W. T. l,iberson. Boston: Little Brown, 384 pp., 1965.
  15. BERKNER, L.V. Man versus technology. Population Bull., 22:83-94, 1966.
  16. BERLYNE, D. E. "Conflict, Arousal, and Curiosity." New York: McGraw-Hill, 350 pp., 1960.
  17. BERTALANFEY, L. VON. "Robots, Men and Minds." New York: Braziller, 150 pp., 1967.
  18. BEXTON, W. H., W. HERON and T. H. SCOTT. Effects of decreased variation in the sensory environment. Canad. J. Psychol., 8:70-76, 1954.
  19. BICKFORD, R. G., M. C. PETERSEN, H. W. DODGE, JR. and C. W. SEM-JACOBSEN. Observations on depth stimulation of the human brain through implanted electrographic leads. Proc, Mayo Clin., 28:181 187, 1953.
  20. BISHOP, M. P., S. T. ELDER and R. G. HEATH. Intracranial self-stimulation in man. Science, 140:394-396, 1963.
  21. BOSMAN, S. C. W., J. TREBLANCHE, S. J. SAUNDERS, G. G. HARRISON, and C. N. BARNARD. Cross-circulation between man and baboon. Lancet, ii:583-585, 1968.
  22. BRANGÅRD, S.O. The importance of adequate stimulation for the chemical composition of retinal ganglion cells during early post-natal development. Acta radio., Suppl. 96, 80 pp., 1952.
  23. BRAZIER, M. A. B. "A History of the Electrical Activity of the Brain. The First Half Century." London: Pitman med. Publi., 119 pp., 1961.
  24. BRINDLEY, G. S. and W. S. LEWIN. The sensations produced by electrical stimulation of the visual cortex. J, Physiol., 196:479-493, 1968.
  25. CAJAL, S. RAMON Y. Histologie du Système Nerveux de L'hornrne et des Vertébrés." Vol. I & 11. Paris: Malorie, 1909-1911.
  26. DEL CAMPO, A. Blind can "see" the shape of things. Med. World News, Oct- 7, 142-143, 1966.
  27. CANESTRINI, S. Uber das Sinnesleben des Naugeborenen Monogr. Gesampgeb. Neurol. Psychiat., No. 5. Berlin: Springer, 104 pp., 1913.
  28. CANTRIL, H. Sentio, ergo sum: "motivation" reconsidered. J. Psychol., 65:91-107, 1967.
  29. CANTRIL, H. and W. K. LIVINGSTON. The concept of transaction in psychology and neurology: J. indiv. Psychol., 19:3-16, 1963.
  30. CARMICHAEL, L. The onset and early development of behavior. pp. 6o-85 in: "Manual of Child psychology," L. Carmichael, (ed.). New York: John Wiley, 2nd Ed., 1295 pp., 1960.
  31. CASPARI, E. Genetic basis of behavior. pp. 103-127 in: "Behavior and Evolution," A. Roe and G. G. Simpson, (eds.) New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 557 pp., 1958
  32. CHASE, W.P. Color vision in infants. J. exp. Psychol., 20:203-222, 1937.
  33. COBB, S. Foreword. Pp. vii-viii in: "Electrical stimulation of the Brain," D.E. Sheer, (ed.) Austin, Univ. Texas Press, 641 pp., 1961.
  34. COGHILL,, C. E. VI. The mechanism of integration in Amblystoma punctatum. J. comp, Neurol., 41:95-152, 1926.
  35. COGBILL, G. E. Correlated anatomical and physiological studies of the growth of the nervous system of Ampiiibia: IX. The mechanism of association of Amblystorna punctatum. J. comp. Neurol., 51:311-375, 1930a.
  36. COGHlLL, G. F. The structural basis of the integration of behavior. Proc. nat. Acad. Sci., i6:637-643, 1930b.
  37. COGHlLL., G.E.X. Corollaries of the anatomical and physiological study of Arnblystoma from the age of earliest movement to swimming. J. comp. Neurol., 53:147-168, 1931.
  38. COLE, L.C. Can the world be saved? BioScience, 18:679-684, 1968.
  39. COMPAYRÉ., G. "The Intellectual and Moral Development of the Child: Part 1. (Trans. by M.E. WILSON). New York: Appleton, 1896.
  40. CONDON, R. "The Manchurian Candidate." New York: McGraw-Hill, 311 PP., 1959.
  41. CONEL, J.L. "The Postnatal Development of the Human Cerebral Cortex." Vol. I, 114 pp. Vol. II, 136 pp. VOI- 111, 158 pp. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press: 149:393-325, 1965.
  42. Cox, V. C. and E. S. VALENSTEIN. Attenuation of aversive properties of peripheral shock by hypothalamic stimulation. Science, 149:323-325, 1965.
  43. CRANBERG, L. Ethical code for scientists? Science, 141:1242, 1963.
  44. DE CRINIS, M. Die Eiitwicklung der Grosshirnrinde nach der Geburt in ihren Beziehungen zur intellektuellen Ausreifung des Kindes. Wien. Klin. Wschr., 45:1161-1i65, 1932.
  45. CRUCHET, R. La mésure de l'intelligence chez 1'enfant de la naissance. J. méd. Bordeaux, 107:951-960, 1930.
  46. DECARLO, C. R. Perspectives on technology. PP. 8-43 in: "Technology and Social Change." E. Ginzberg, (ed.) New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 158 PP., 1964.
  47. DELGADO, J. M. R. Permanent implantation of multilead electrodes in the brain. Yale J. Biol. Med., 24:351-358, 1952a.
  48. DELGADO, J. M. R. Hidden motor cortex of the cat. Amer. J. Physiol., 170:673-681, 1952b.
  49. DELGADO, J. M. R. Chronic implantation of intracerebral electrodes in animals, PP. 25-36 in: "Electrical Stimulation of the Brain," D. E. Sheer, ed.), Austin: Univ. Texas Press, 641 pp. 1961.
  50. DELGADO, J. M. R. Emotional behavior in animals and humans. Psychiat. Res. Rep., 12:259-271, 1960.
  51. DELGADO, J. M. R. Cerebral heterostimulation in a monkey colony. Science, l4l:16l-163, 1963.
  52. DELGADO, J. M. R. Electrodes for extracellular recording and stimulation. Pp. 88-143 in: "Electrophysiological Methods," Vol. V, Part A: "Physical Techniques in Biological Research." N. L. Nastuk, (ed.), New York: Academic Press, 460 pp., 1964a.
  53. DELGADO, J. M. R. Free behavior and brain stimulation. Pp. 349-449 in: "International Review of Neurobiology," Vol. VI. C. C. Pfeiffer and J. R. Smythies, (eds.) New York: Academic Press, 476 pp., 1964b.
  54. DELGADO, 1. M. R. Sequential behavior repeatedly induced by red nucleus stimulation in free monkeys. Science, 148:1361-1363, 1965.
  55. DEIGADO, J. M. R. Brain technology and psychocivilization. Pp. 68-92 in: "Human Values and Advancing Technology. A New Agenda for the Church in Mission." C. P. Hall (ed.), New York: Friendship Press, 175 pp., 1967.
  56. DELGADO, J. M. R. Aggression and defense under cerebral radio control. Pp. 171-193 in: "Aggression and Defense. Neural Mechanisms and Social Patterns." UCLA Forum in Medical Sciences, No. 7, VOL. V.C.D. Clemente and D. B. Lindsley, (eds.), Berkeley: Univ. Cal . Press, 361 pp., 1967.
  57. DELGADO, J. M. R. and H. HAMLIN. Surface and depth electrography of the frontal lobes in conscious patients. EEG clin. Neurophysiol., 8:371-384, 1956.
  58. DELGADO, J. M, R. and H. HAMLIN. Spontaneous and evoked electrical seizures in animals and in humans. Pp. 133-158 in "Electrical Studies on the Unanesthetized Brain." Estelle R. Ramey and Desmond S. O'Doherty, (eds,) New York: Paul B. Hoeber 432 pp., 1960.
  59. DELGADO, M. R., H. HAMLIN and W. P. CHAPMAN. Technique of intracranial electrode implacement for recording and stimulation and its possible therapeutic value in psychotic patients. Conf. neurol., 12:315-319, 1952.
  60. DELGADO, J. M. R., V. MARK, W. SWEET, F. ERVIN, G. WEISS, G. BACH-Y-RITA, and R. HAGIWARA. Intracerebral radio stimulation and recording in completely free patients. J, nerv. ment. Dis., 147:329-340, 1968.
  61. DELGADO, J. M. R. and D. MIR. Infatigability of pupillary constriction evoked by stimulation in monkeys. Neurology, 16:939-950, 1966.
  62. DELGADO, J. M. R., W. W. ROBERTS, and N. E. MILLER. Learning motivated by electrical stimulation of the brain. Amer. J. Physiol., 179:587-593, 1954.
  63. DIAMOND, S., R. S. BALVIN, and F. R. DIAMOND. "Inhibition and Choice. A Neurobehavioral Approach to Problems of Plasticity in Behavior." New York: Harper & Row, 456 pp., 1963.
  64. DOBZHANSKY, TH. Genetics, society and evolution. Bull. N.Y. Acad. Med., 38:451-459, 1962.
  65. DOBZHANSKY, TH. "Mankind Evolving. The Evolution of the Human Species." New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 381 pp., 1962.
  66. DOBZHANSKY, TH. Changing man. Science, 155:409-415. 1967.
  67. DREVER, J. "A Dictionary of Psychology." Baltimore, Md.: Penguin Books, Inc., 316 pp., 1952.
  68. DUBOIS-REYMOND, E. Untersuchungen über thierische Elek-tricitãt. Vol. I. Berlin: Reimer, 1848. Vol. II, 1849.
  69. DUBOS, R. "The Torch of Life." New York: Trident Press, Simon & Schuster, 140 pp., 1962.
  70. DUNBAR, F. "Emotions and Bodily Changes. A Survey of Literature on Psychosomatic Interrelationships 1910-1953." New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 1192 pp., 4th Ed., 1954.
  71. ECCLES, J. C. "The Neurophysiological Basis of Mind." Oxford: Clarendon Press, 314 PP., 1953.
  72. ERLANGER, J. E. and H. S. GASSER. "Electrical signs of Nervous Activity." Philadelphia: Univ. Penn. Press, 221 pp., 1937.
  73. ERVIN, F. Participant in "Brain Stimulation in Behaving Subjects." Neurosciences Research Program Workshop, Dec., 1966.
  74. FEINDEL, W., W. PENFIELD and H. JASPER. Localization of epileptic discharge in temporal lobe automatism. Trans. Amer. Neurol. Assoc., 14-17, 1952.
  75. FIELD, J., H. W. MAGOUN, and W. E. HALL (eds.). "Handbook of Physiology. Section 1: Neurophysiology." Washington, D.C.: Amer. Physiol. Soc., Vol. I, 1959, Vols. 11 & III, 1960.
  76. FLECHSIG, P. E. "Gehirn und seele." Leipzig: Veit & Co., 112 pp., 1896.
  77. FLOREY, E. (cd.). "Nervous Inhibition." Proc. Second Friday Harbour Symp. New York: Pergamon Press, 475 pp., 196l.
  78. FORBES, A. The interpretation of spinal reflexes in terms of present knowledge of nerve conduction. Physiol. Rev., 2:361-414, 1922.
  79. FORBES, H. S. and H. B. FORBES. Fetal sense reaction: hearing. J. comp. Psychol., 7:353-355, 1927.
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  81. FULTON, J. F. and C. F. JACOBSEN. The functions of the frontal lobes, a comparative study in monkeys, chimpanzees and man. Advances in mod. Biol. (Moscow), 4:113-123, 1935.
  82. FURFEY, P. H., M. A. BONHAM, and M. K. SARGENT, The mental organization of the newborn. Child Develpm., 1:48-51, 1930.
  83. GALVANI, L. De viribus electricitatis in motu musculari. Commentarius. Proc. Acad. Bologna, 7:363-418, 1791.
  84. GAMPER, E. Bau und Leistungen eines menschlichen ' Mittelhirnwesens (Arhinencephalic mit Encephalocele). Z. ges. Neurol. Psyclhat., 102:154-235, 1926.
  85. GEERTZ, C. The impact of the concept of culture on the concept of man. Bull. atom. Sci., 22:2-8, 1966.
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  89. GRASTYÁN, E., K. LISSÁK and F. KÉKESI. Facilitation and inhibition of conditioned alimentary and defensive reflexes by stimulation of the hypothalamus and reticular formation. Acta physiol. Acad. Sci. hung., 9:133-151, 1956.
  90. GRUNBAUM, A. Causality and the science of human behavior. Amer, Sci., 40:665-676, 1952.
  91. HAMBERGER, C. A. and H. HYDÉN. Production of nucleoproteins in the vestibular ganglion. Acta oto-laryng., Suppl. 75:53-81, 1949.
  92. HARLOW, H. F. Love in infant monkeys. Sci. Amer., 200:68-74, 1959.
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  96. HASSLER, R. Uebcr die Bedeutung des pallidären Systems für Parkinsonsyndrom und Psychomotorik nach Erfahrungen bei gezielten Hirnoperationen. Brussels: 1st int. Congr. Neurosur g., 1:171-178, 1957.
  97. HASSLER, R. and T. REICHERT. Clinical effects produced by stimulations of different thalamic nuclei in humans. EEG cclin. Neurophysiol., 6:518, 1954.
  98. HEATH, R. G., "Studies in Schizophrenia. A multidisciplinary Approach to Mind-Brain Relationships." Cambridge: Harvard Univ. Press, 619 pp., 1954.
  99. HEATH, R. G. Electrical self-stimulation of the brain in man. Amer. J. Psychiat., 120:571-577, 1963.
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  102. HERON, W. The pathology of boredom. Sci. Amer., 196:52-56, 1957.
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